
The Revenant - I'm a big Leo fan (perhaps a spoiler alert!)


When The Revenant came out I was excited. I'm a big Leonardo DiCaprio fan because he's cute! I'm a girl, I wanna watch movies with this person!

Reading a preview to the movie somewhere it said that the conditions got pretty rough during the shoot. Leo said that he was as cold as you'd think you'd be, the snow was real, the conditions were tough. That was what really got to me, I wanted to watch it.

The whole movie is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, extreme and disgusting. The plot comes down to the basics of humanity, the primitive state of a human being, a state of animal survival triggering the most disturbing emotions in anyone who's watching it.

In some parts you are almost certain that there is no way out for Hugh, no way to survive in the winter wilderness. And yet the protagonist finds an inner strength to eat, sleep and to start a fire. The basics of life. He even finds some joy in catching snowflakes with his tongue. An almost shocking moment in the entire movie. It is my favourite part. What seems to be a journey to and back from hell, Hugh still finds some joy in this nightmare of his. And that is the most important part of the movie to me.

The idea of 'revenge' is my least favourite part. It takes the protagonist through the horrors of the human ruthlessness and the fierce conditions of our Mother Nature just to survive to avenge his loved one's death. Only to realise at the end that 'Revenge is in God's hands, not [his]'.

Once again we are shown that if you have something you believe in making it the goal of your life, you can get it, no matter what gets in your way.

There is one funny throwback to the famous Titanic movie :D

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